Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I have decided to make a map of where I have been on my journeys around the world on this handy dandy map. Gooo Meee! So here it is
This is where I have been so far
Make yours @
Make yours @

I am not going to name the cities I have been because that would just take too long. But here is a list of the countries
Australia, Afghanistan(shhh its hush hush), Egypt, United Arab Emirates(the most beautiful of deserts), Oman, East Timor, Phillipines, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Ireland, Italy, Greece(I loved it), Bahrain, Qatar, Canada, Mexico, Seychelles(absolutely beautiful), Germany, Iraq, Kuwait, Kenya, Singapore, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Tarawa Islands, Iwo Jima, I think that is all of them. I am not counting my own country the United States because that is just gonna have to be on a different map.

Like I have stated in previous posts, I was an active duty US Marine so that will explain most of the hellholes listed in places I have been. There were, however, some absolutely beautiful countries I have seen and I loved every minute of my travels. I will say that as far as deserts go I have been to just about all of them with an exception to the Gobi desert in Mongolia. I will have to make my way there one of these days so I can say that I have been to every desert in the world, and of course to say that I have been to Mongolia...because I mean really...who the hell goes to Mongolia anyhow? Have you ever met anyone from Mongolia? Its like here in the US, have you ever met anyone from Wyoming? I have met one person from Wyoming and he went off to join the Marine Corps just to get the hell out of there. Thank you... come again!

1 comment:

  1. Well i wasn't jealous of all the "hellholes" you've been too but once i saw Japan on your list i was like "Aww no fair!" lol

    Me and the better half really want to visit Japan someday, I love it so much! It's just so beautiful! You must tell me everything about it lol!

    Hazel xxx
