Friday, November 19, 2010

Three-day weekend

Lorin and I have a 3-day weekend together. That has not happened in quite a while. I don't have work and my classes are in the beginning of the week. Lorin has a furlough day today. So its just us all weekend. We started it off right. We haven't made breakfast(or in our case brunch) together in a while. So, I had a wild hair up my ass to do just that.

We are planning to go see the new Harry Potter flick today or tommorrow or Sunday. So that will be fun. My mom went to the midnight showing last night and said it was great. Ok! Well I thought it might be.

We did have plans to go to the shooting range today, but it is just so windy outside that that plan is a bust. I don't think we will be able to go any other time this weekend, because the forecast says there is a storm coming. There is supposed to be 14 inches of snowfall for this weekend. Thus the start of the winter here in Northern Nevada. So we might still go shooting if it doesn't snow, but the outlook is not so good!

As for other things planned for the weekend. Turkey day(Thanksgiving) shopping is on the list. A whole lot of relaxing and lounging around the house is on our agenda this weekend. We need some R&R time. I have already winterized my truck so thank goodness I don't have to worry bout that. I think I would go nuts if my 4 wheel drive and my winter windshield wipers didn't work!

Well that's about all from Gary and Lorin land!


  1. That is not wind. That is a hurricane.

  2. Be sure to let us know what you think of the new HP.

  3. Have a lovely weekend :)

    Hazel xxx

  4. Drake-I will surely do so

    Hazel-Thank you. You have a good weekend too!
