Sunday, November 28, 2010

I am trying to be a good little house-boy

So over the course of the week, I have managed to vacuum, clean the kitchen 5 times(that is what I hate about Thanksgiving...the clean-up before and after and again and again until there is no turkey left), cleaning the kitty litter, putting things away, and other little odds and ends. Our plan for the last week has to put up the Christmas lights. Not turn them on yet but just have them up. Well it has been snowing for the last few weeks here. This past week it has been an ice cube outside so neither me nor Lorin has had the motivation to do our outdoor work.

So today is the day. Lorin has a choir performance just down the street and who knows when it will be done. I am feeling very productive today. I have managed to clean the kitchen again and give the dogs a well needed bath. Archie our sheltie takes over an hour and a half just to clean and dry him alone(he is a hairy dog so that's why). Barty not so long.

My next project is to get started on the lights. I have to be a little more careful because of all the ice and snow. Last year we didn't get to put up the decorations for Christmas for the exact same reason. Not this year. We weren't the only ones not to decorate. There was like two houses on our block that decorated last year and that is because they put up their lights right after Halloween. Well this year I am bound and determined to put up the lights. Rain, sleet, hail, or snow will stop me this year. I Love decorating for Christmas. I am a festive kind of person. I will listen to Christmas music, decorate the house, and I love having a REAL tree to decorate. Having a real tree is just Christmasy to me. I Love the smell. I am an insomniac so I wonder around the house late at night. When the tree is all decked out I can see! So I won't trip over the dog toys in the dark. Well that's all from my little corner of the world. I hope everybody is doing great! Bye


  1. Haha as much as decorations are cool, don't hurt yourself putting them up! Reading this I got a mental image of you getting tangled up in fairy lights struggling on the ground as Lorin stands over you and laughs.

    All authority and respect as a military man gone, just like that!

    Hazel xxx

  2. Oh I wouldn't hurt myself if I fell. I am like a cat! If I fall, I will land with such agility that you would freak out!

    Oh all must fear and respect me!

    And putting up Christmas lights is the Devil!

  3. Haha what sort of training did they give you! I'm talking about your cats of course :P

    I knew you were going to say that...

    Hazel xxx

  4. My son-in-law got the lights up two days before it snowed so he was happy. Good luck with the decorations.

  5. Hazel- I was sent to... Christmasy Acrobatics Tactical School(CATS) for me to learn to be cat-like! Just kidding!

    Belle- Well for the past two years it has snowed before Christmas. Actually the whole month and a half before. So it was quite dangerous for me to be putting them up. Thank goodness they're done! Whew!!! Thanks!
