Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rods and Cones!

Lorin and I are laying in bed talking and I tell her about this spot in my peripheral vision that just won't go away. Its been there for months now. I really don't notice it until I am just zoning out and am looking at something like a white painted wall or something light in color. Anyways, we are laying there going over what it may or may not be. When Lorin mentions that maybe one of your rods in your eye has gone out. Well that started both of us thinking back to Blue Man Group.

Ok. So Lorin and I used to work at Blue Man Group at the Venetian down in Las Vegas.

Actually that's where we met and fell in Love. So this place will always be something we take to heart. There were times we Loved working there and then there were times when we hated being there. All in all, I look back more on the good of being there and the fun of working for Blue Man Group. I remember watching the show(almost every night...and sometimes twice a night) and being in awe even though I had seen the show like a bizzillion times already. Almost everybody who worked there had a favorite part of the show. It didn't matter how many times you had seen it, it just never got old. My favorite part of the show was called "Rods and Cones".

If you have never seen Blue Man Group, then I suggest you go and see it for yourself. Don't bother asking anyone who has seen the show or has ever worked or currently work there, what the show is all about. Trust me...its damn near impossible to describe what its about. You will hear about certain parts of the show or what people like etc...but a description...no! Its a lot of fun if you have never seen the show. The show is also something you can watch multiple times. Trust me! I watched it over and over, 6 to 7 days a week, for over 3 years.

I know Lorin hated working there sometimes. I really didn't hate working there up until the last few months I was there. Sometimes I miss working there(I think Lorin secretly does too) so, every now and then, I will watch some vids or listen to some of the music they play.

And now I give you my favorite part of the show. Its called Rods and Cones. It brings back memories to me...
How bout you Lorin?

In case they feel like sueing me for copying pictures. I do not own anything! These pictures are the property of BMPI
Thank you!

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