Monday, March 21, 2011


Well today, while on Spring Break, the schools of Nevada met at the State Legislature building to do some protesting! The reason for the protest is the state is possibly planning to cut some costs in education. I have never protested anything before and since I am now a college student, I felt it is my civic duty to protest. Particularly when the protest is about education...MY EDUCATION! I am not trying to sound selfish but I want my damn education thank you very much.

It was quite a large turn-out. We had people from schools all over the state come here to Carson City. I live here in the state capital and the legislature building is like 3 or 4 blocks from my house, so I didn't have to go very far, thank goodness!

Anyways. The problem is the education is looking to be cut, which means the smaller schools, like the one I attend, would go away and the larger universities would nearly double or even triple their tuition costs. It also means cuts for schools K through 12! What the hell? That is not right. Education throughout the US is in the crapper and it seems like it is getting worse. Budget cuts on education are not the way to handle financial instabilities. Bringing in revenue is a better option. Along with about 40 other ideas.

Well the state politicians heard us, along with most of the people in town. It was probably the single most largest assembly they have ever had rally at the legislature building. So I guess that gave them something to think about...hopefully.

I don't wanna have to go to Reno to UNR to finish my schooling. It would be just a pain in the ass. I like my school. It's close(about 2 miles away), it has an awesome nursing program(which is what I am going for by the by), the classes have a smaller amount of students(so the one on one time with the professor is easier to have), it seems to be a good school for the older students(like me) to get their degree, and best of all it is low cost(so I am not spending an arm and a leg for my education)!

I know schools around the country have come across or will come across problems like this when it comes to politicians making decisions regarding education. I know that we live in hard times and I am paying for my own education, so I know money doesn't grow on trees(wish it did)! Taking the opportunity away from people is not the best way to go about cutting state spending! The politicians need to take a good look at themselves first!

Anyways that was how I spent my day. I hope everyone elses was good! Bye for now!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break

Yippee! I am on Spring Break from college. So what am I gonna do? Absolutely nothin! Well I do have some PS3 games that I have been waiting to play. Yea I have had a PS3 for a year and a half and I have played really only one game. Mostly because our TV sucks but since my mom has moved in we've been using her TV in the living room. Yea we can actually see what we are watching. So we have about 8 PS3 games and I've played only one. Yikes! I gotta lotta catching up to do.

I do plan to be somewhat productive in my week off from school. I am planning to go gun shooting sometime this week...if the weather permits me to do so(it's currently snowing again so we will see what happens)!

My productive goals for the week are minor but I won't be a total sloth and are as follows: I am planning to do a garage clean up(my man cave is a little messy and I just can't have that). Some deep house cleaning is also needed. My mom is planning to paint her room, so I will give a hand with that. Vacuuming my really needs it. Bathe the kitties(I really don't want to though). Haul off the garbage. Also if the weather allows I will try to get Erin(Lorin's sister) over here so we can finish taking the rest of Amy(Lorin's mom) stuff over to the Washoe House. I am going to try and cook dinner every night(it's usually difficult with me and Lorin being on different schedules).

Well I am just planning on doing all of this in a week. I don't know if I will succeed in my endeavors, but I will try. I will also try to post more this week since I have got some free time. Well tata for now!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Here is something funny!

I saw this banned commercial a long while back. I just decided to post it just because I wanted to brighten everyones week! If you've seen than awesome. If this is your first times seeing's funny! A little dirty...but funny!

This was probably the funniest banned commercial I have ever seen! By Mastercard of all kinds of people! I have watched this commercial many times and to me it just doesn't get old. I can watch it again and again and still laugh!

I think that's the kind of dad that I will be when my daughters are older!

Well I hope ya'll have a great day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Planting balls? What?

Well the other day as our yard was in the middle of clean up. Lorin and I were discussing home improvement we do! Now let me just warn you, in my old age I am losing my hearing. Mostly I think it's from loud explosions and gunfire from combat of my days spent in the USMC.

Well anyways! Lorin and I were talking about stuff that we should do with the yard. This is how the conversation went:

Lorin: Well in the front yard where the planter area is closest to the house, we should plant BALLS! You know have a little ball garden.
Gary: What did you just say we should plant?
Lorin: Bulbs!?!?!
Gary: Ohhhh...I thought you said something else!
Lorin: Oh really? Like what?
Gary: I could have swore you said we should plant balls, and have a little ball garden.
Lorin:(Looking rather confused)Why the hell would we plant balls?
Gary: I don't know! That's why I asked you to repeat what you said.
Lorin: What the hell is a ball garden?
Gary: Like I said, I don't know. I thought it was a rather strange idea too! Can you imagine it. I am sure there are some idiots out there who would probably think to do something like that.
Lorin: Like what?
This is where my imagination takes over!
Gary: Well think about it. Some colossal moron starts to plant some balls to make more balls. He/she plants a tennis ball, a basketball, a ping pong ball, a baseball, a golf ball or any other kind of ball with hopes of it growing into a lovely tree that produces said balls!
Lorin: (Sarcastically)Yea...'cause that's where balls come from right?
Gary: (Responding sarcastically)Didn't you know? I thought that everybody knew that! You know, ball farmers growing organic balls for peoples entertainment! Can you imagine that?
Lorin: You know some people are really dumb enough to try it.
Gary: Oh I am certain of that. Hey I think I might blog about this.
Lorin: Oh you should definitely blog about our "ball" garden!

So that's the kind of conversations we have late at night! I know I know...we are nutso! But hey we're cute!

Well also, the landscapers are done with the yard. It is now a bare dirt lot in the front and back yard. Yippee! No more rocks! Now we can plant some damn grass. I would much rather mow the yard than to look at a rock yard. So phase 1 of the yard of death is complete!

Friday, March 11, 2011

The yard of death!

Well we are nearly at an end for the yard of death! Ok. So we have this front yard right? Well it's the ugliest yard in the neighborhood. Seriously! We have had neighbors come to knock on our door to complain. My usual response is "hey I would rather have a working toilet/washer and dryer/refrigerator/stove/etc... than a beautiful yard!" They usually turn their noses up at me and say shit like "well you should do something about it anyways!" Where upon I say things like "oh...are you paying for it?" or "I plan to when money isn't so tight" or "no...really? I just like it looking hideous it gives the house charm!"

Well the days of making up excuses and snarky remarks are nearly at its end. When we moved here the front yard had rocks for the front yard! No grass just a rock yard. Well over the last few years weeds blow in from whereabouts unknown and start to grow through the damn rocks. Ordinarly I wouldn't care and I would just mow the yard regularly so no one could even tell there are weeds there without stopping and looking real close. Well ROCKS! I can't mow rocks. I would have to get a weed eater to do that and a really good one at that because those are just fiesty weeds. Industrial strength weed killer doesn't do much to them!

So that is just a minor description of what our yard has looked like for the last few years. Seeing me! Well my mom paid these landscapers to come in and remove the rocks and do a general yard clean up for a very reasonable fee. I guess landscaping work in the winter is hard to come by, so they are doing it "dirt" cheap(hehehe pun was intended)! So tomorrow is supposedly their last day. They just have to finish with the clean up. Most of the rocks are now GONE! I am doing a happy dance right now! I'd show you but I am not that cruel!

So I will keep ya'll up to date on the goings on in my life!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Corn nuts!

I have to say that I really HATE corn nuts. Everytime I smell them I gag and damn near vomit. I don't know what it is about them that makes me almost up-chuck but there is just something about the way they smell.

In class there is this guy beside me and I think that corn nuts is all he eats. I see him all over campus munching away on them. I had to move across the room the other day just so I wouldn't throw up on him(or myself).

The smell of corn nuts almost angers me. No really! I want to start punching people when I see them eating them or just for good measure so they know not to eat corn nuts around me! Problem is I just can't start punching people for no reason. That's not cool! Well maybe...

As I said I don't know where this comes from. The smell of corn, popcorn or any other corn product does not do this to me...just corn nuts. This goes for any flavor of the product corn nuts! I don't know if anyone else feels this way about corn nuts or any other snack foods. I just hope I am not the only CRAZY person out there!