Friday, October 22, 2010

Tis been a while

I know that it has been a long while since I last posted. I have been rather busy with school, work, and Lorin off on vacation and her return. I'm sorry(to all my 10 readers). I just haven't had the time nor anything interesting to write. I am a bad blogger...shame on me!

On a plus note, Lorin came back from Hawaii this past Sunday. I missed her so much. It was just too quiet in our little household! She had fun but wished I was there with her having fun too! Ah the life of a college student. Busy, broke, and stressed! Now that she is home we have some stuff to do.

We finally finished getting the Halloween decorations up. Halloween is a little more than a week away and we finally got all decorated. Yea I know, we can be slackers sometimes. We still have to buy like $100 more in candy from the dollar store, but oh well.

My classes are in mid-terms time these next few weeks. So I will be busy studying and gettin my learn on so I can gets me a gooder edumacation! Hey! I am allowed to say stupid shit like that, I am from the deep south.

Our internet service is pure shit! I am not sugar coating it either. We have had this "Clear Wire" company for nearly two years. When we first got it seemed like they were trying really hard to give good internet connection, but failed. So we just dealt with the slow service and poor connection. The connection would go out in inclimate weather and would go out in almost inclimate weather and would go out in after inclimate weather. We stayed anyways. There wasn't much else of a choice. It will cut out while on both of our computers(sometimes the work I am doing gets lost which really pisses me off), so we are constantly having to reset the router and repair connection on our computers. For the last year Lorin and I have been saying we need to get a different service provider. For $40 a month we only get decent internet when its summertime and no chance of slightly poor weather. Thats just not good business. We have contacted them before explaining our lack of connection(its not like we live in the boondocks either) and get told that in our area the internet connection is getting repaired...blah blah blah bullshit. The only way we get any connection is either in two places in our house. The upstairs front bedroom window with the box facing north and the blinds pulled up and nothing else near it. Or in our master bathroom window facing north same as the other room. Really? What the hell? So we have put up with this crap for 2ish years. Well 4 days ago, for no apparent reason, the internet just stopped working! We tried fiddling with the router like we have done in the past with no luck. Then Lorin contacted them and they said it would be 24 hours before it would be working again! Its been 4 days and no internet! So we are switching internet service providers again. Luckily, I am borrowing someone elses connection that I can only get in our garage for some reason. It is a very weak connection but at least it works! That is the only way we have internet in our household a lot of times. I know this has been one long rant, but oh well!

Other than that my life has been pretty dull. I know...I know...I am boring! Thank you for taking the time to read about my life and my bitch sessions!


  1. Oh come now, we read blogs because we are nosy! You could have been digging through the neighbours' garbage and I would have tuned in to read! Glad life is back on track and your getting ready for the best damn day of the year: Halloween!

  2. more like you need to spend $200 dollars at the dollar store for candy, mister

  3. You're spending $100 dollars on sweets? That's dedication! Though children over here don't go Trick or Treating - they get drunk instead lol

    Hazel xxx

  4. Well it will probably be more than like $150 or so. Since we normally spend like closer $400 on candy. We live in the rich neighborhood(a few houses down from the state governors mansion) so it is where everybody sends there kids. On halloween, because there are so many people around we have to get a police escort just to get home.

  5. I hate our crappy internet connection too. Sucks the energy out of me.

    Happy Halloween to you Gary! :)
