Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So Lorin and I don't have cable...at all! We did this by choice...well somewhat! The cable company here is horrible. There really isn't much that we watch on TV, so we cut the cable out of our home about 2 years ago. I think we have been better for it. I mean there are times when one of us is at home alone and a little bored. TV would be a good time passer, but hey thats what we have internet and all kinds of video gaming systems.
The biggest problem we run into is that our television set just sucks ass! The picture is really dark, the volume is either too loud or too quiet so there is no happy medium, its rather smallish in comparison to our large living room so the TV set is dwarfed, and there is not a single universal remote that can be used for this hunk of crap(trust me we've tried). So last year we were going to purchase a bigger better television, but due to our Satan Kitty swallowing about 2 miles of sewing thread last year around Christmas time, that went out the door for our present to ourselves. Well this year we have decided no matter what we are getting a new one. We really can't take another year of this shit.
Well a favorite thing for Lorin and I to do is to watch TV shows. Since we don't have to pay for cable we spend our money purchasing shows we want to watch on DVD. It works out better that way. The money we would be wasting on cable each year we spend on TV shows we can watch together and at our leisure. Our movie bookcases look like a video rental store...I think we have a problem...not really. Our TV set sucks but we still do watch our favorite shows on it. Here are my personal top picks of shows (that we own) These have the best rewatch value to them and we end up watching them over and over. Some are still on the air and some are not but I still enjoy them:

1) Glee

This is a show I like for too many reasons to list. I like the humor and music personally. I think Lorin likes the music and the sad parts, that make you cry, the most. For whatever reason this show is awesome.

2) Supernatural

We are currently watching the 5th season right now. And like all the other shows we are blowing right through it. This show is about two brothers who hunt the paranormal. I think Lorin mostly likes it because she thinks Jensen Ackles(Dean, the older brother) is in her words "he is HOT". I don't look at him that way. It gets to me for several reasons. One is that the two brothers are a lot like me and my little brother. I very much relate to the older brother, Dean. He and I are very much alike he likes classic cars, classic rock, guns, women, and is just a funny guy but also a leader type of guy. Which is me. Funny enough the younger brother, Sam, is a lot like my little brother. He is quiet, reserved, super smart, and very serious. I also love things having to do with the paranormal/supernatural. Its always intrigued me.

3) Spaced

This is a show that Lorin and I took a chance on. We love Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. This show hails from the UK. Its very amusing how much we like British televion than we do American. Don't get me wrong, we do love our American shows. There is just something about shows from across the big lake that we just adore. The only problem is its rather difficult to find British shows at like Best Buy or Borders or Walmart or any store around here. We usually have to order them at Amazon. That sucks!

4) Wonderfalls

This show is absolutely great. It was said that it was one of the best shows nobody ever watched. Mostly because it was cancelled after only four episodes(Fox TV network has a bad tendency of doing this). They did however get to finish their only season and it ended very well. Its one of those shows that you wish they would have gotten to show more of. We bought this one when I saw the pilot episode on YouTube. I absolutely rolled on the floor laughing. And at the same time smiled because of its intelligence. It is a must watch...again...and again!

5) Firefly

Why this show never made it I will never know (another Fox cancellation...stupid bastards). It was truly entertaining. Very rarely do I like the entire cast of a show. There were 9 credited cast members which is very rare for a show to have especially in its first (and only) season. This show didn't get to finish its season. So after a few years Joss Whedon (genious that he is) went off and filmed a motion picture to finish it up for all of us fans of the show. What a swell guy to do that for the fans. Definitely a great watch and rewatch show.

6) Battlestar Galactica(new series)

Oh my God! I was a fan of the old series (yes I am old), so I was very reluctant to watch this remake. Several of our friends were completely addicted to this show. So one day I was at Blockbuster and decided to rent a couple of discs from the first season. After I was done with those two discs I marched my ass right back up there to rent the rest of the season. Later that day when I was done with those I went back up to Blockbuster to start on the next season. Unfortunately they didn't have the second season at all in their inventory for unknown reasons. I was absolutely pissed. So I said screw it and went on ebay to purchase the entire box set. Yea I know...nutso but it is completely worth it. I found it and requested a next day air shipping. I just could not put this show down. I then made Lorin watch it while ranting and raving about it. She loved it. I then set off on a mission to make everybody I know watch it. I didn't care if they borrowed my box set or not! Its just that good!

Stay tuned for part two of my television shows!


  1. Men have got an unspoken telepathy, a biological connection between male psyches. Whether they know each other or not, put a group of them together, always the same.

    *Raises the imaginary gun to Watcher’s face and fires, only to realize the imaginary ammunition clip is empty*


    Seriously though, Spaced might just be my all time favourite British comedy, and that’s saying a lot when it has shows like Blackadder and Monty Python to compete with. It helps that the male protagonist Tim is one of the very few cool geeks on television who isn’t subject to the outdated stereotypes that still plague geeks to this day.

    And yeah, Firefly. All hail Josh Whedon.

  2. I only finished Spaced a few weeks ago and loved it!

    I watched Serenity so watching Firefly is a bit redundant in my eyes if you say its just the same thing - sorry!

    I agree with Wonderfalls but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was about! All I know is that it was good and I enjoyed it. I hate when shows are cancelled - they did it to True Calling which I really liked!

    Now Battlestar Galactica rocks! I fell in love with it because Gaius is hilarious in serious 1! I've yet to watch series 4 (which is the last one?) so I'm really excited to know how it finishes!

    I think play.com does dvds :)

    Hazel xxx

  3. I did not say Jensen Ackles was hot. What I said was, "OMG! He is so frickin HAWT and I want to do dirty things to him."

    If you recall.
