Monday, January 17, 2011

I am back

Well I came back from Louisiana a couple of days ago. Sorry I haven't been in much of a blogging mood due to all the work that I have been doing and utter exhaustion. I just figured I would let you know that I am back and stuff.

My mom and I successfully navigated our way out here to Northern Nevada. We did make some stops along the way. I will post those pics as soon as I have a chance. My mom had never driven out west of Texas before. She just mostly flew. So seeing her reaction to the vastness of the American West was just amusing.

I got to see a lot of my friends from Louisiana, where I grew up, and that was soo much fun. One of the best parts of being back there...was THE FOOD! Gosh I have missed some good old Louisiana cooking!

Most of my friends back there I haven't seen in over a decade. So it was good to see them and pick at them on much they've changed...or haven't. For the most part they were shocked that I looked exactly the same as I did when they last saw me. So I guess I still look like a youngster...even if I am not!

It had been over 8 years since I last saw my mom. I know that sounds horrible but there is a reason. My mom's ex-husband wouldn't allow her to come visit me, and my ex-wife wouldn't allow me to go and visit my mom, nor did she want her visiting me. I barely got to speak on the phone with her. Lorin had never met my mom until now. She had spoken on the phone with her several times but neither my mom nor I could afford to visit one another. I was very excited for my Lorin to meet my mom...finally! Lorin seems all excited and seems to like my mom, and my mom very much likes her. My mom said to me while we were on the road, your ex-wife took you away from me and Lorin has brought you back to me. Now I am no way a mama's boy(that position is reserved for my little brother) but my mom and I are sooo very much alike, so there is a closeness there.

So exciting, mom is living with us now. Well that's about all for now. The ladies of the house are nagging me to go and do stuff with them instead of being our normal home bodies that we are. So we are off to lunch, a movie, shopping and then dinner!


  1. Welcome back, glad things went well!

  2. I'm glad Lorin and your mum got on. Can't imagine how awful it would have been if they hadn't!


  3. I am so happy you are back. You were missed! So glad the special ladies in your life are getting along and that you have a chance to re-form bonds with your mother. :-)

  4. Thank you very much all of you! Yea it's good to be back home!

  5. yo, blog something!

    WordVerification: PetsFU. How apropos
