Sunday, January 2, 2011

I am leaving to go to Louisiana for a little while.

Well hi there reader! I am off to Louisiana(where I am from) for a little while. I don't know for how long. I'm sure that it won't be longer than 2 weeks. It is just somewhere between a week and 2 weeks.

Anyways! My mom is moving here to Northern Nevada to be with Me and Lorin and to be our live in Nanny for our bundle of joy that is coming. Our baby should be born sometime around June. So we are just getting a head start on things.

Well my mom is flying me out to Louisiana, so I can help her with the move to Nevada. I will be there for some days, visiting old friends and helping my mom with the packing of the U-haul truck. Then we'll be off and back here. I will probably do most of the driving...well because my mom's driving has always scared the living hell out of me! No...really! She drives like she owns the road and likes to hug one side or the other of the lane she is in. So since I would rather us make it here alive I will mostly be driving. I don't think I would be able to control my bowels if she was driving this big moving truck! Ahhh...I think I just shit myself thinking about it!

So I will spend the next several days, before I leave, cleaning up. That way it will be ready for her to move in when we arrive. I have managed to get a lot done already but there is still some more moving of Lorin's mom's stuff to get over to the other house. It has been a little difficult with all the bitchy weather(snow) and all.

So I am gonna be busy for the next several weeks. After I get back school will be starting up shortly there after. So I have got to get my crap together for another semester. I will be advancing to higher math classes, so that'll be fun(cough...cough...clearing throat)! I also have some other classes to take to qualify for my major in Nursing.

So, just to let you know I leave on Friday, so I won't be around much to post anything or leave perverted comments. I will be back though!


  1. No peverted comments of blog stalking!? Oh no!

    That being said have a safe trip and good luck with the move. It must be so nice to have your Mom there when you bring home your little one. How luck are you!?

    See you when you get back!

  2. Have a good trip Gary! Hopefully it ain't too stressful for ya :) Though higher maths? You're crazy!


  3. Wow. You and Lorin are going to be Mom and Dad!!! I sure missed a lot here. Take care Gary and congratulations to you and Lorin. There's nothing like a baby in the household. :)

    Have a safe trip! :)

  4. Jewels- Yea sorry won't be around. Yea my mom is great. She adores Lorin(unlike somebody elses mom towards me...cough...cough). Well and this is also for my mom benefit too! It gives her some purpose, because she has been kind of in the dumps lately. Now upon this, she is bouncing off walls again! So that's good. I will write when more when I get back!

    Hazel- Thank you. Sure! My mom doesn't stress is her driving that does it! Yes I am crazy for wanting to take higher maths. For my major, I only have to take one more math class, but I have decided to take a bunch more. Not because I like math(vomited in my mouth a little) it's because in my particular field of study math is key. So I just want to take a much math as possible to be that much better. Surprisingly, in my old age I have actually gotten better at math. Weird how that sometimes happens!

    Novie- Yes we are. You missed some stuff while you were away. That's ok though. There are still about 6 months of planning and preparing to do before our little one arrives. I have other children, but this will be Lorin's first child. She is freaking out a little bit! Thank you!
