Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Well I would just like to say "Happy New Year" to everybody.'s already 2011? So just where the hell is my flying car? Or my teleportation machine? Or my very own robot to do household chores? Or my real estate on Mars? I just don't know!

Oh well! Lets just hope this new year brings with it good things.

I will say I absolutely do NOT do New Years resolutions! I won't...I take part in that tradition. I don't because like most people I don't keep up with them. Well that is until 10 years ago when I made a resolution not to do resolutions ever again. I would say that it is working out pretty grand! Now I am not knocking those of you who do the resolutions but I just won't be taking part.

I just hope everybody has had a good 2010. I did! I also hope that ya'll have a good 2011 too!


  1. Back to the Future lied to us. I just want my hoverboard damnit.

  2. Yea Drake...I agree! Where is my hoverboard?

  3. Happy new year! :)

    Hazel xxx

  4. Happy New Year...sorry I'm just getting around to saying it...I was highjacked be a house guest who would't leave! Can't wait to see what 2011 brings everyone.

  5. Oh why thank you Jewels. I understand about your houseguest. I hope 2011 is a good year as well!
