Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The cats out of the bag!

Well if you didn't read about it on the Love of my lifes blog at http://quiet-here.blogspot.com/ than here it is...we are havin a baby. Yea...I know...SURPRISE! There is something in the air...everybody we know is pregnant or has recently given birth...weird!

Apparently I have like super sperm or something. Over the last 4 years we have been extra careful that this didn't happen. Which in all reality I am surprised that it didn't happen sooner...with all of the sexy times we have...hmmm! We are like rabbits! I do come from a very fertile family and I do have 4 kids (some were while my ex-wife was on birth control) through a previous marriage. So I am not all that surprised! Like I said, I think I have super sperm.

A few weeks ago when we went to the doctor to get Lorin all checked out. The doctor said, "oh you have a very minimal chance for complications. This fetus is as healthy as I have ever seen"! To me that is a very good thing to hear.

We have known for about a month and a half now. But on the off chance that Lorin's mom reads our blogs we didn't say anything. We waited until she showed up here yesterday so Lorin could tell her in person. Lorin's mom,as we guessed not so thrilled! Fortunately, she didn't kill us or anything. Her mom is still very controlling when it comes to Lorin and her sisters. Even though Lorin is 27 years old she still treats her like she is a kid. You should have heard about the stink she put up when Lorin went to buy a new car 3 years ago...yikes! My mom, on the other hand, is bouncing up and down!

I mentioned in a previous post in November about my mom moving out here. I didn't mention why because it would have been obvious. Well this is the reason...we are having a baby! With me being in school for nursing, that kind of puts a damper on things seeing as the baby will probably be with me most of the time since Lorin works full-time at her grown-up job! I wouldn't really have much time for my schooling. So Lorin and I sat down one night to discuss things and we came to the conclusion that the only way it would work is if we had help. Lorin suggested my mom as a joke, I think. I said "oh that's a great idea"! So I called my mom, at midnight our time 2 am her time, I told her the news that we were having a little one and I had the intention of asking her for help. She was super dooper excited and before I had a chance to ask for her help she said, "with you in school and all, do you need me to move out there"? Huh! Yup! My mom is just cool like that! She was ready to move closer to my brother until this news and so she changes her plans and decides to come live with us.

So in January I am flying out to Louisiana to help her with the move and then my mom and I are driving back here. For the time being she will stay with us in our house. I dunno if she will stay with us afterwards, but I leave that all to the future.

So there you have it. I am gonna be a daddy again! Scared? Yes. It's always scary bring a new child into the world. I will say that I am not nearly as scared as Lorin is. She seems equally excited and scared at the same time. This is her first, my fifth, so she doesn't really know what to expect. So I whenever she has questions about baby stuff she asks me...since I am well practiced! I am not tooting my own horn but...I am rather good at the child raising.

Its funny. Lorin and I never planned to have children. We just simply said that if it ever happens than great we'll be good little parents(nerds totally...but good)! We Love each other so much. We usually make our friends nauseous. So in June we will be adding a new member to our little family. Thank you...the end!


  1. Aww congrats Gary! So happy for you guys!

    Hazel xxx

  2. Congratulations Gary, I’m so psychically high fiving you right now.

    Sorry about your face, I’m not very good at it yet.

  3. Congratulations!

    I think it's a Marine thing...every marine I have ever known has super sperm...must me something they do during training (you have special OP's sperm) or a weird "innoculation" they give you upon joining up?

  4. Jewels- Perhaps...Nah...the government wouldn't do anything like that! They would never test stuff on US troops...would they?

  5. How do you know they're not still testing you? Or that your not like whasisface in Jacob's Ladder?


  6. I'm so super stoked for you guys! :) I'm excited about my small blog world during this time.

    Which, I need your email so I can add you to my personal protected blog... just sayin. I'm sure Lorin wouldn't mind you stalking my blog.

    They are totally still testing you.

  7. aww congrats! this is my first blog of yours that i am reading gosh i feel too nosy for some reason!
    moriya xx

  8. Moriya- Thank you. Oh don't worry about feeling nosy. I wouldn't have posted this if I didn't want someone to read it! And thank you for taking the time to read my blog! Hope to see you around.
