Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wow I suck at blogging!

I really do suck at blogging. I go to other peoples pages and I see all these blogs posted. Some post every few days, some post daily, others post multiple times a day. Me? I post like one blog every other week or so. Sometimes when I am feeling particulary bold I will post two in a whole day...and then nothing for a few weeks.

Am I really that boring or am I just anti-social or am I just not creative enough? I don't know. It's not like I don't have the time. I actually do! I just can't think of anything interesting to post.

I have written several blogs that I just don't post because I think they are dull or bland or I just don't like them. I want my blog posts to be interesting. I don't want to bore my readers with uninteresting posts. So I just don't post as often as I would like to.

I don't have a lot of followers and I would like to have more. I do really appreciate all of you who do take the time to read blogs from my little corner of the world. To all of you, I say thank you!

I don't want this post to sound all mopey or whiny. I am not trying to sound that way, so sorry if it does.

On a plus note I have two more weeks in this semester before the Christmas Break. All sad now. No more Sex Class! I am bringing pizza for our little pizza party on the last day of that class, so that will be fun...PARTY! The next semester registration starts in a few days, so I will have to jump on that very soon. I am going to step it up again and try to take more classes so that way I will be that much closer to my Nursing degree. I am now unemployed so that way I will have more time to devote to my schooling.

I do have other interesting news but that will be a long post for another day. Until then. Ta-Ta!


  1. You're not boring. The fact you don't blog so often indicates to me that you actually lead a busy life!

    I understand the whole wanting more readers - it's natural! We want our writing to be read otherwise what's the point in blogging?

    It's really hard to think of posts. I write about anything and everything!

    Hazel xxx

  2. I would rather read great, interesting posts less frequently than super-boring ones all the time. And I'm sure working towards a nursing degree is time consuming. So kudos to you for even having a blog in the first place!

  3. Sometimes I post a blog that I think isn't all that good and it is the one everyone loves! It happens so often I realize that it is ok to take some chances. I'll bet the ones you think are boring are not. I follow one girl and all she does is post a haiku poem each day, yet I totally love reading it.

  4. Hazel- Thank you. I am usually busy. But for the last few weeks I think I have been just plain lazy!

  5. K-Money-Thank you for the Kudos. The nursing degree is time consuming. I know my posts aren't great. They're alright and usually entertaining enough. So thanks again for reading.

  6. Belle- Thank you for taking the time to read my posts. I know what you're saying, but I just can't seem to bring myself to post something that I myself would find dull or drab. Too bad I am not much of a poet!

  7. Get out! You're doing your nursing degree too? So am I! I'm in third year. Are you as miserable as I am?

  8. PS: You do NOT suck at blogging! There is no such thing as good blogging or bad blogging. Blogging just is.

  9. Sandra- Yes I am a nursing student. Arrrrggghh! Second year! Arrrrggghh!

    And thank you! I know it is what it is, but I just want to write more and I want it to be FUN FUN FUN! Wow I sound like a cheesy postcard!

  10. P.S. Don't tell me that your "posts aren't great." That is a lie!!! Booh.

  11. K-money-Thank you. You are too kind!

  12. Countess- Good for you! I ate a sammich...again!
