Sunday, July 11, 2010


All I have to say is AWKWARD!!! Tonight went to 3rd street bar because Lorin's mom is in town and wanted to see her former coworkers and friends. Which sounds innocent enough. Well lets just say that things were a bit awkward between me and the guys that are also in love with my Lorin. They were definitely avoiding the shit out of me physically and in eye contact. One wouldn't even talk to Lorin unless I was not near her. The OTHER well he and I were civil which is a good thing. Lorin was apparently feeling a bit angsty all day today because she knew we would all be in the same place. I myself was a bit anxious as well. There is a long story behind this anxiety between all of us but I don't feel like getting into that now. I just can't be bothered. I think Lorin's mom knows something as well. Oh well! I did briefly chat at the OTHER while we were all saying our byes for the night. I think he gets it. I do. Lorin will probably read this and go..."what do you say to him"! Sorry hun but I'm just a stinker like that. Well that is all for now!

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